
Computer for illustrator
Computer for illustrator

  • 18,000+ fonts - Use one of the thousands of high-quality fonts included in the Adobe Fonts library.
  • Blend Tool - Smoothly blend one shape into another across a specified number of steps.
  • Transform as Shape - Transform paths and curves without manual manipulation of anchor points.
  • Polygon shape creation - Make objects out of circles, triangles, squares, and stars.
  • Radial, grid, and mirror repeat - Turn graphics into sophisticated patterns.
  • Vectorize - Convert raster images or paper sketches into vector images.
  • Point precision - Edit graphics down to the point, radius, or angle level.
  • Pinpoint editing - Create perfect graphics without quality loss with Smart Delete, Simplify Path, and more.
  • Art and Calligraphic Brushes - Create and apply brush strokes to add artistic elements to your artwork.
  • Natural ways to draw - Make lines and curves using the Pen, Pencil, and Brush tools.
  • INTUITIVE AND PRECISE DRAWING WITH APPLE PENCIL It’s free for Creative Cloud members who have a plan that includes Illustrator. This app is part of Adobe Creative Cloud. Plus, your Illustrator work is automatically synced to the cloud, so you and your team can always access the latest version from your desktop or iPad. Work on a project across Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, and Fresco. Make your graphics pop with effects, and access over 18,000 fonts, 20+ color palettes, up-to-the-minute live streams from famous creatives, and guided tutorials. Merge or cut graphics with quick, intuitive Pencil gestures to remove unwanted areas.

    computer for illustrator

    Create vector lines, shapes, type, gradients, and effects.

    computer for illustrator

    Illustrator on the iPad works intuitively with your Apple Pencil so you can design on the go from anywhere, even offline - it’s never been easier to take your creativity to new places.ĭesign with precision, as naturally as you would with pen and paper.

    computer for illustrator

    Create logos, illustrations, graphics and more.

    Computer for illustrator